Casey Handy-Smith



Chandy Law


  • Where are you originally from?
    Cincinnati, OH

  • Where do you currently reside?
    Houston, TX

  • What prompted you to get into the sports/entertainment industry?
    I've always had a passion for the arts, growing up in music. I initially wanted to be a songwriter and/or producer but once I started learning about the business side of the industry, my interests quickly shifted. After taking recording industry courses in college and meeting amazing entertainment industry professionals, like Diverse Representation founder, Jaia Thomas, I decided to pursue law and focus on helping creatives protect their work and get paid for what they do.

  • Please outline the services you provide for clients and any specialties.
    Our firm specializes in contracts and primarily works with clients in the music, digital media, and influencer marketing industries. Our services include: contract review/negotiation, contract drafting, and contract revision.

  • What type of clients do you typically represent? What factors do you consider when deciding which clients to take on?
    We typically represent multi-faceted creative entrepreneurs within the music, digital media, and influencer marketing industries. We consider client budget, personality, and potential longevity of the working relationship before taking on new clients.

  • What is one thing people would be surprised to know about your profession? What is one of the biggest misconceptions?

    Handling the paperwork is just a fraction of the profession and not the whole profession. Clients want lawyers who they fell understand them and their projects and can advise them on a variety of matters beyond the contracts.

  • What are some challenges or obstacles you have faced as an African-American in this profession?
    Having access to key industry professionals and being able to make genuine connections with non-black colleagues within industry organizations.

  • What do you think can be done to improve diversity with regards to representation?
    More opportunities and access for minorities within major entertainment companies.

  • What advice would you have for other African-Americans looking to enter this profession?
    Find good mentors and opportunities to get hands on experience in your desired industries.

  • What is the best way for people to get in touch with you?