Tay Smith

Tay Picture - Tay Smith.JPG


Co-Owner / TV & Film Agent
Smith Young Talent Agency


  • Where are you originally from?

    Baltimore, MD

  • Where do you currently reside?

    Atlanta, GA

  • What prompted you to get into the entertainment industry?

    I grew up in and around the music business. Loved it from the beginning, and decided to build a career foundation in the industry.

  • Please outline the services you provide for clients, and any specialties.

    We are a full-service agency with the following branches: TV, FILM, COMMERCIAL, LITERARY, & VOICE OVER.

  • What type of clients do you typically represent? What factors do you consider when deciding which clients to take on?

    We typically represent seasoned actors, from mid-level to celebrities. Occasionally we will bring in new talent with undeveloped resumés.

  • What is one thing people would be surprised to know about your profession? What is one of the biggest misconceptions?

    One of the biggest misconceptions is that we have more free time than we really do. If done successfully, it's a 24/7 job.

  • What are some challenges or obstacles you have faced as an African-American in this profession?

    Most of the obstacles came from trying to gain full access through relationship building with casting directors that were unfamiliar with us from the beginning.

  • What do you think can be done to improve diversity in regards to representation?

    I think it can help if more people of color became representatives/agents in the industry. Diversifying the office space has proven to be beneficial in many ways.

  • What advice would you have for other African-Americans looking to enter this profession?

    Relationships, Relationships. I would start as an intern at an agency or management firm. Gain relationships, and learn the ins & outs of the industry.

  • What is the best way for people to get in touch with you?

    Email: tay@sytalentagency.com or social media: @taysmithent.